AppCelmi - Pecuária

by Celmi Sistemas de Pesagem LTDA



Enhance your livestock management with the AppCelmi - Pecuária app — the direct and wireless connection to Celmis renowned scales. Explore a real-time experience that offers valuable insights for optimized animal control and precise weighings. Instantly track the total weight of your animals with all the necessary accuracy.Simplify your tasks with the weighing record function, a handy tool that automatically stores all measurements for future reference. This is especially advantageous for tracking the progress of your animals over time.Dive even deeper into the apps versatility, where you can effortlessly generate various reports right within the application. From animal assessments to weighing history records, AppCelmi Livestock provides solutions tailored to every scenario. Each generated report features editable fields, allowing you to input specific and relevant information to enrich the quality of your analyses.Discover the power of AppCelmi - Pecuária now. Streamline weight management and enhance the monitoring of your animals, enabling an informed and effective approach to animal care and related activities. Explore Celmis innovation and precision technology, redefining how you care for and manage your animals. Open the doors to the future of livestock management with AppCelmi Livestock.